- fitplc::stemvulAn example vulnerability curve
- lgrdata::allometryAllometry
- lgrdata::anthropometryChild anthropometry
- lgrdata::automobilesCars data
- lgrdata::berkeleyBerkeley admissions data, 1973
- lgrdata::brunhildA Baboon Named Brunhilda
- lgrdata::callitrishydraulicCavitation resistance for Callitris branches
- lgrdata::cereal1Cereal nutrition data - small subset nr1
- lgrdata::cereal2Cereal nutrition data - small subset nr2
- lgrdata::cereal3Cereal nutrition data - small subset nr3
- lgrdata::cerealsCereal nutrition data
- lgrdata::choat_precipp50Choat's Plant Drought Tolerance
- lgrdata::coweetaCoweeta tree data
- lgrdata::dutchelectionDutch election data
- lgrdata::eucface_gasexchangeLeaf gas exchange at the EucFACE
- lgrdata::eucfacegcEucFACE ground cover data
- lgrdata::fluxtowerFluxtower data
- lgrdata::germination_fireSeed germination as affected by fire
- lgrdata::germination_waterSeed germination as affected by water
- lgrdata::hfeifbytreeI x F at the HFE - tree observations
- lgrdata::hfeifplotmeansI x F at the HFE - plot-level observations
- lgrdata::hfemet2008Weather data at the Hawkesbury Forest Experiment
- lgrdata::howellHowell height, age and weight data
- lgrdata::hydroHydro dam storage data
- lgrdata::icecreamIcecream sales and temperature
- lgrdata::masslostGenetically modified soybean litter decomposition
- lgrdata::memoryMemory of words dataset
- lgrdata::oilCrude oil production
- lgrdata::pulsePulse Rates before and after Exercise
- lgrdata::pupaePupae data
- lgrdata::rainRain data
- lgrdata::sydney_hobart_timesSydney to Hobart winning times
- lgrdata::titanicPassengers on the Titanic
- lgrdata::treecanopyTree canopy gradients in the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF)
- lgrdata::vesselXylem vessel diameters
- lgrdata::weightlossWeight loss data
- lgrdata::wildmousemetabolismMouse metabolism
- Maeswrap::maeswrapdefinitionsExample Maeswrap definition file
- Maeswrap::runfiletestExample Maeswrap run datafile.
- plantecophys::acidata1An example A-Ci curve
- plantecophys::manyacidatAn example dataset with multiple A-Ci curves
- smatr::leaflifeLeaf longevity and leaf mass per area for plant species from different sites
- smatr::leafmeasLeaf mass per area and photosynthetic rate for plant species from different sites