1. fitplc::stemvul
    An example vulnerability curve
  2. lgrdata::allometry
  3. lgrdata::anthropometry
    Child anthropometry
  4. lgrdata::automobiles
    Cars data
  5. lgrdata::berkeley
    Berkeley admissions data, 1973
  6. lgrdata::brunhild
    A Baboon Named Brunhilda
  7. lgrdata::callitrishydraulic
    Cavitation resistance for Callitris branches
  8. lgrdata::cereal1
    Cereal nutrition data - small subset nr1
  9. lgrdata::cereal2
    Cereal nutrition data - small subset nr2
  10. lgrdata::cereal3
    Cereal nutrition data - small subset nr3
  11. lgrdata::cereals
    Cereal nutrition data
  12. lgrdata::choat_precipp50
    Choat's Plant Drought Tolerance
  13. lgrdata::coweeta
    Coweeta tree data
  14. lgrdata::dutchelection
    Dutch election data
  15. lgrdata::eucface_gasexchange
    Leaf gas exchange at the EucFACE
  16. lgrdata::eucfacegc
    EucFACE ground cover data
  17. lgrdata::fluxtower
    Fluxtower data
  18. lgrdata::germination_fire
    Seed germination as affected by fire
  19. lgrdata::germination_water
    Seed germination as affected by water
  20. lgrdata::hfeifbytree
    I x F at the HFE - tree observations
  21. lgrdata::hfeifplotmeans
    I x F at the HFE - plot-level observations
  22. lgrdata::hfemet2008
    Weather data at the Hawkesbury Forest Experiment
  23. lgrdata::howell
    Howell height, age and weight data
  24. lgrdata::hydro
    Hydro dam storage data
  25. lgrdata::icecream
    Icecream sales and temperature
  26. lgrdata::masslost
    Genetically modified soybean litter decomposition
  27. lgrdata::memory
    Memory of words dataset
  28. lgrdata::oil
    Crude oil production
  29. lgrdata::pulse
    Pulse Rates before and after Exercise
  30. lgrdata::pupae
    Pupae data
  31. lgrdata::rain
    Rain data
  32. lgrdata::sydney_hobart_times
    Sydney to Hobart winning times
  33. lgrdata::titanic
    Passengers on the Titanic
  34. lgrdata::treecanopy
    Tree canopy gradients in the Priest River Experimental Forest (PREF)
  35. lgrdata::vessel
    Xylem vessel diameters
  36. lgrdata::weightloss
    Weight loss data
  37. lgrdata::wildmousemetabolism
    Mouse metabolism
  38. Maeswrap::maeswrapdefinitions
    Example Maeswrap definition file
  39. Maeswrap::runfiletest
    Example Maeswrap run datafile.
  40. plantecophys::acidata1
    An example A-Ci curve
  41. plantecophys::manyacidat
    An example dataset with multiple A-Ci curves
  42. smatr::leaflife
    Leaf longevity and leaf mass per area for plant species from different sites
  43. smatr::leafmeas
    Leaf mass per area and photosynthetic rate for plant species from different sites